
A set of solutions to support products, people, facilities and processes on their pathway to achieve excellence

Clara Claire energy third party certification services give an independent guarantee of compliance with associated regulatory standards.

They are designed to protect enterprises across all aspects of projects, operations, logistics and legislation covering a wide range of areas including climate change, management systems (quality, environmental, health and safety, social accountability), product safety and quality, environmental sustainability, social accountability, food certification, personnel, railways and green buildings.


Clara Claire Energy Services


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Top Services

  • Hydrogen solutions 
  • Decommissioning operations 
  • Earthing &lightning protection design 
  • Geohazard & seismic studies 
  • Marine warranty survey 
  • Offshore lifting operations 
  • Subsea structures and pipeline design 

ROBINS Project

ROBotics technology for INspection of Ships, aimed at filling technology and regulatory gaps that today still represent a barrier to the adoption of robotics systems in ship inspections

Case Study

Conversion of M / n Splendid into a “hospital ship”

A project developed by GNV together with RINA to assist coronavirus patients and increase the hospital capacity of Liguria

Case Study

certification schemes


management systems certificates


auditors worldwide


laboratory tests

Make it sure, make it simple.