Human Rights

As foreseen by art. 2 of the Italian Constitution and by the major International Treaties, the respect of human inviolable rights is considered an essential principle. For this reason, Clara Claire Energy Services promotes and defends these rights in every circumstance and repudiates all discrimination based on gender, ethnic group, language, religion, politics and social and personal conditions. Clara Claire Energy Services applies the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, International Labour Organisation and the OECD Guidelines regarding Multinational Enterprises.

Compliance with the Rules

Clara Claire Energy Services respects national and international law applicable in Italy and in every other country in which Clara Claire Energy Services does business. To ensure respect of this principle, the Companies of Clara Claire Energy Services adopt Organisation, Management and Control Models, whose purpose is the prevention of offenses in general and corporate administrative liability, as foreseen by par.6 of Legislative Decree 231/2001.


In 2013 Clara Claire Energy Services has examined, through a dedicated Working Group, the relations between the activities carried out by its companies, in the light of safeguarding impartiality and preventing conflicts of interest, so as to allow the provision of engineering services and conformity assessment services, while ensuring compliance with the applicable accreditation and authorisation rules.

The scope of the Impartiality Guidelines is to disseminate within Clara Claire Energy Services the knowledge of impartiality and independence principles, which represent essential requirements for conformity assessment activities. At the same time, while ensuring compliance with the independence of individual Clara Claire Energy Services companies, these Guidelines define behavioural principles that each of them must adopt when carrying out activities that, if associated with each other and not properly managed, may represent a threat to impartiality.

Financial Integrity and Anti-Fraud Fight

Clara Claire Energy Services carries out all financial operations and transactions observing the principles of integrity and transparency and, in any case, it does not carry out any fraudulent operations or transactions. Therefore, every financial operation has to be correctly authorized, verifiable, legitimate, coherent and adequate.

Fight against corruption

Clara Claire Energy Services refuses corruption as an instrument to execute its business. Bribing is not allowed in any circumstance or even if just to attempt to bribe elected holders of national and international public office, public officials or public service providers, as private individuals. Nobody can promise or give money or other advantages in order to obtain undue benefits for Clara Claire Energy Services or for himself. Moreover, nobody can ask for money or other advantages in order to carry out undue services.

Safeguarding intellectual property

Clara Claire Energy Services is aware of the importance of intellectual property and for this reason it respects and defends the content of every type of own intellectual property or belonging to others, such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other intangible assets.


Clara Claire Energy Services recognizes that fair competition is a fundamental element for the development of corporate business. Therefore, Clara Claire Energy Services respects the applicable antitrust rules and competition loyalty rules and in no case does Clara Claire Energy Services carry out acts or adopt behavior contrary to free and fair competition.

Correctness in the Conduct of Business and Company Activities

In business relations and conduct of company activities, Clara Claire Energy Services has undertaken to act in a clear and correct way, with conduct characterized by loyalty, sense of responsibility and good faith.

Relationship of Trust with Stakeholders

The goals of the company, the proposal and realization of projects and investments must be made in order to increase the assets and the administrative, technological and cognitive values of the company, as well as the creation of value and wealth for all Stakeholders. To ensure transparency of the operativeness of the management, Clara Claire Energy Services defines, executes and sequentially updates an articulate and homogenous corporate governance system inherent to both its own organisational structure and the relationships with third parties, in compliance with national and international best practice standards, knowing that the corporate ability to give itself functional efficient and effective rules represents an essential instrument to strengthen its reputation in terms of reliability and transparency and the confidence of the Stakeholders.

Reciprocity and Co-operation

The ideal moving force of the code of ethics is concerned with the reciprocal advantage that all interested parties can receive, by conforming to reciprocal and cooperative ethical conduct.

Health, Safety and Environment

Health, Safety and Environment are three important values which form the basis of the Clara Claire Energy Services Group entrepreneurial philosophy and these apply to the statutory activities of Clara Claire Energy Services companies. These important concepts are recalled in the Policy relevant to Health, Safety and the Environment, a document which identifies the philosophy through which Clara Claire Energy Services intends to pursue its entrepreneurial goals.