
Ship classification has been at the core of the Clara Claire Energy Services business since its inception. Today, this business sector represents 26% of the Clara Claire Energy Services turnover, making it one of the top ranking marine classification societies in the world. Clara Claire Energy Services is a founding member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), formed in 1968.

The Clara Claire Energy Services fleet is recognized by approximately 116 international flag authorities. Clara Claire Energy Services integrated services for the complete shipping cycle including design, building, shipyard management, inspection and testing of materials / components and regular inspections to maintain the class are used by freight, ferries, ro-ro, passenger ships, yachts, cruise ships, navy, LNG and other specialist carrier vessels.


Big data and analytics
Additive manufacturing
Cyber security
Digital manufacturing
Operational assurance and predictive maintenance
Sustainability, safety and human factor

Energy and resource efficiency audits
Site investigation and clean-up
Environmental and regulatory compliance

RINA toolkit for business continuity
Market analysis and business modelling
Product and process innovation
Technology scouting and roadmapping
Open innovation projects

Prototyping and testing

Advanced materials
Processes and control systems
New manufacturing technologies
Material performance

Performance assessment
Materials and product development & process innovation
Material selection and qualification
Engineering critical assessment
Fitness for service
Failure investigation

Performance assessment
Materials and product development & process innovation
Material selection and qualification
Engineering critical assessment
Fitness for service
Failure investigation

Laboratorio Calata Gadda

Fire containment structures
Fire testing for ships
Life-saving appliances testing
Personal protective equipment testing
Resistance and reaction to fire


Failure analysis
NDT Examination
Test on materials

Top Services

Biosafe ship notation
Remote inspection services
Kiber Helmet


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ROBINS Project

ROBotics technology for INspection of Ships, aimed at filling technology and regulatory gaps that today still represent a barrier to the adoption of robotics systems in ship inspections

Case Study

Conversion of M / n Splendid into a “hospital ship”

A project developed by GNV together with RINA to assist coronavirus patients and increase the hospital capacity of Liguria

Case Study

classed ships


M GT of classed ships


M GT in orderbook


flag administrations

Make it sure, make it simple.